[−][src]Module stm32f103xx::dma1::ccr1
DMA channel configuration register (DMA_CCR)
CIRCR | Value of the field |
DIRR | Value of the field |
HTIER | Value of the field |
MEM2MEMR | Value of the field |
MINCR | Value of the field |
PINCR | Value of the field |
R | Value read from the register |
TCIER | Value of the field |
TEIER | Value of the field |
W | Value to write to the register |
_CIRCW | Proxy |
_DIRW | Proxy |
_ENW | Proxy |
_HTIEW | Proxy |
_MEM2MEMW | Proxy |
_MINCW | Proxy |
_MSIZEW | Proxy |
_PINCW | Proxy |
_PLW | Proxy |
_PSIZEW | Proxy |
_TCIEW | Proxy |
_TEIEW | Proxy |
PLR | Possible values of the field |
PLW | Values that can be written to the field |
PSIZER | Possible values of the field |
PSIZEW | Values that can be written to the field |
Type Definitions
ENR | Possible values of the field |
ENW | Values that can be written to the field |
MSIZER | Possible values of the field |
MSIZEW | Values that can be written to the field |