[−][src]Module stm32f103xx::tim1::bdtr
break and dead-time register
AOER | Value of the field |
BKER | Value of the field |
BKPR | Value of the field |
DTGR | Value of the field |
LOCKR | Value of the field |
MOER | Value of the field |
OSSIR | Value of the field |
OSSRR | Value of the field |
R | Value read from the register |
W | Value to write to the register |
_AOEW | Proxy |
_BKEW | Proxy |
_BKPW | Proxy |
_DTGW | Proxy |
_LOCKW | Proxy |
_MOEW | Proxy |
_OSSIW | Proxy |
_OSSRW | Proxy |