[−][src]Module stm32f103xx::spi1::cr1
control register 1
BIDIMODER | Value of the field |
BIDIOER | Value of the field |
CPHAR | Value of the field |
CPOLR | Value of the field |
CRCENR | Value of the field |
CRCNEXTR | Value of the field |
LSBFIRSTR | Value of the field |
R | Value read from the register |
RXONLYR | Value of the field |
SSIR | Value of the field |
SSMR | Value of the field |
W | Value to write to the register |
_BIDIMODEW | Proxy |
_BIDIOEW | Proxy |
_BRW | Proxy |
_CPHAW | Proxy |
_CPOLW | Proxy |
_CRCENW | Proxy |
_CRCNEXTW | Proxy |
_DFFW | Proxy |
_LSBFIRSTW | Proxy |
_MSTRW | Proxy |
_RXONLYW | Proxy |
_SPEW | Proxy |
_SSIW | Proxy |
_SSMW | Proxy |
BRR | Possible values of the field |
BRW | Values that can be written to the field |
DFFR | Possible values of the field |
DFFW | Values that can be written to the field |
MSTRR | Possible values of the field |
MSTRW | Values that can be written to the field |
Type Definitions
SPER | Possible values of the field |
SPEW | Values that can be written to the field |