[−][src]Module stm32f103xx::rcc::cfgr
Clock configuration register (RCC_CFGR)
MCOR | Value of the field |
R | Value read from the register |
W | Value to write to the register |
_ADCPREW | Proxy |
_HPREW | Proxy |
_MCOW | Proxy |
_PLLMULW | Proxy |
_PLLSRCW | Proxy |
_PLLXTPREW | Proxy |
_PPRE1W | Proxy |
_PPRE2W | Proxy |
_SWW | Proxy |
_USBPREW | Proxy |
ADCPRER | Possible values of the field |
ADCPREW | Values that can be written to the field |
HPRER | Possible values of the field |
HPREW | Values that can be written to the field |
PLLMULR | Possible values of the field |
PLLMULW | Values that can be written to the field |
PLLSRCR | Possible values of the field |
PLLSRCW | Values that can be written to the field |
PLLXTPRER | Possible values of the field |
PLLXTPREW | Values that can be written to the field |
PPRE1R | Possible values of the field |
PPRE1W | Values that can be written to the field |
PPRE2R | Possible values of the field |
PPRE2W | Values that can be written to the field |
SWR | Possible values of the field |
SWSR | Possible values of the field |
SWW | Values that can be written to the field |
USBPRER | Possible values of the field |
USBPREW | Values that can be written to the field |