[−][src]Module stm32f103xx::adc1::cr1
control register 1
AWDCHR | Value of the field |
AWDENR | Value of the field |
AWDIER | Value of the field |
AWDSGLR | Value of the field |
DISCENR | Value of the field |
DISCNUMR | Value of the field |
DUALMODR | Value of the field |
EOCIER | Value of the field |
JAUTOR | Value of the field |
JAWDENR | Value of the field |
JDISCENR | Value of the field |
JEOCIER | Value of the field |
R | Value read from the register |
SCANR | Value of the field |
W | Value to write to the register |
_AWDCHW | Proxy |
_AWDENW | Proxy |
_AWDIEW | Proxy |
_AWDSGLW | Proxy |
_DISCENW | Proxy |
_DISCNUMW | Proxy |
_DUALMODW | Proxy |
_EOCIEW | Proxy |
_JAUTOW | Proxy |
_JAWDENW | Proxy |
_JDISCENW | Proxy |
_JEOCIEW | Proxy |
_SCANW | Proxy |